Griffin Tabor

Griffin Tabor

PhD Student

University of Utah


I am on the 2025 job market looking for Robotics Teaching Faculty roles. Also interested in off cycle positions.

I am a PhD student in the School of Computing at the University of Utah in the robotics track of the Utah Robotics Center. I work in the Utah Learning Lab for Manipulation Autonomy (LL4MA) and am advised by Dr. Tucker Hermans. I spent two years helping friends compete on the television show BattleBots End Game based out of New Zealand and BloodSport based out of Boston. I also mentor several teams that compete in the VEX Robotics Competition after having spent several years trying to compete fully autonomously against robots controlled by human drivers.

  • Robotics
  • Motion Planning
  • Optimization
  • Manipulation
  • Ph.D. in Computing (In Progress)

    University of Utah

  • B.S. in Robotics Engineering, 2018

    Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Teaching & Mentoring Experience

Mentoring and teaching students has been a long time passion of mine. For years I have helped answer student questions in online robotics chatrooms, enjoying watching students grow. In graduate school I turned towards more formal roles in teaching and mentoring.

Instructor - Algorthmic Foundations of Robotics
University of Utah
Sep 2023 – Dec 2023
Co-instructor for Algorthmic Foundations of Robotics. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics explores the algorithms that help robots operate in the real world from autonomous cars to manipulators in factories. It covers a range of topics including forward/inverse kinematics, motion planning, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and optimal control. See full Syllabus and learning objectives here
Mentor - Mechanical Engineering Senior Design
University of Utah
Jan 2023 – Dec 2024
Co-run weekly meetings with six mechanical engineering students working on their senior design project. Advised on future directions and weekly goals as project evolved.
Teaching Assistant - Motion Planning
University of Utah
Sep 2019 – Dec 2020
Ran office hours, graded, worked with students and taught occasional lectures.
Mentor - University Robotics Team
Sep 2019 – Apr 2021
Mentored students founding university robotics team at the University of Utah. I worked with them on pursuing funding through University and external funding sources, and on setting realistic targets given the time constraints.

Professional Experience

Autonomy Software Engineering Intern
May 2022 – Aug 2022 Pittsburgh, PA
Worked with Autonomy team on modeling of vehicle dynamics with interpetable physics based modeling. Collaborated with Autonomous Truck Operator, mechanics and controls teams to incorporate domain knowledge into vehicle control.
University of Utah
Graduate Research Assistant
Sep 2018 – Oct 2024 Salt Lake City, UT
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Software Engineering Intern
May 2018 – Sep 2018 Worcester, MA
Led development of new tool inside the WPIlib suite. A tool suite used by high school robotics teams enabling them to take advantage of advanced robotics concepts.
Carnegie Mellon University
Robotics Institute Summer Scholar
Jun 2017 – Sep 2017 Pittsburgh, PA
Researcher under Dr. Dong Huang training deep CNNs to classify time series IMU data.
Carnegie Mellon University
Robotics Institute Summer Scholar
Jun 2016 – Sep 2016 Pittsburgh, PA
Researcher under Dr. Michael Kaess working with HAUV and off the shelf underwater LIDAR. Integrated LIDAR into code base, turning raw sensor data and position information into full map of the environment.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Undergraduate Teaching Assistance
Mar 2015 – Dec 2015 Worcester, MA
Help run labs, hold office hours and grade homework for intro to robotics course.
Carnegie Mellon University
Summer Software Intern
Jun 2015 – Sep 2015 Pittsburgh, PA
Junior Programmer for Educational Programming Environment and helped run courses teaching High School teachers how to teach robotics.